COVID-19 has undoubtedly left its scar on us. No matter how much we try to fight and keep our minds positive, 2020 will be remembered for the word Corona Virus. This year has taught us that we cannot take anything for granted – forget freedom we can’t even take ourselves for granted.

Many people have suffered Job Loss, Paycuts, Personal Loss of a Family Member, the feeling of seeing your little children in masks, and most importantly knowing that this might just be the new normal from now…

#MentalHealth is one of the most spoken topics today, however, as a society, we fail to give confidence to others when they are living we talk about depression but when someone really needs to talk to anyone we arent there as people are stuck in their problems.

On October 9 – 2018, I met with an accident where the entire roof fell on my head when I was asleep and somehow survived the chances of me surviving were less than 2%. I ended up spending time with myself the one thing I never did before and understood the value of life and yes the importance of friends/ family. And believe me, if you have even a person to share your feelings to you should talk and if not go out and talk to strangers and communicate. Vent it out…..

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With this, I would want everyone reading this article #BaatKarkeToDekho , life is challenging and too short, we all were as if somewhat stressed and now with the COVID-19 we all are even more stressed. But this is 1 opportunity to engage, talk, and more importantly connect with people who matter. A simple ‘Hi Hope You Safe’ can mean the world to someone who has no one to talk to and is craving for love, a simple ‘ I care for you – you can talk to me’ can mean the world to someone who is sad from within and is craving to care and wants to talk to someone’, a simple smile and letting the other person know ‘Tension Mat Le- I am with you’ can bring a smile to crying face.

Time and Life are too precious, and to everyone who is reading this Please feel free to connect with me a simple gesture #BaatKarkeToDekho can Save or Help someone.

Let us all be HUMANE, and show the gesture of love, support, and kindness. The times are tough and there is no going back but least we can do is help someone. A friend once told me no act of kindness is ever wasted.

#helpinghands #love #kindness #support #Covid-19

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